My mother on finding out my inclination towards music, immediately wanted me to go vocal coaching, I being a stubborn ass refused as usual. But she was determined and I knew she wouldn't let this go that easy. Believe it or not at that time I did not like singing in front of people, ya I know it sounds stupid. Now when I come to think of it, it was stupid and because of that stupidity and to get my mother of my back, I volunteered to join for 'Tabla' coaching.

I joined when I was in the 4th grade and continued to learn for 5 years.
As we say all good things come to an end, this too did, why.....because I got bored and I quit.


    Bathroom singer, wannabe musician, english to malayalam song translator, engineer, wannabe writer(this website is mainly for fulfilling my fantasy about having a website and also a way to force myself to write more)


    January 2013
    December 2012



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